6.S081 Xv6 Lab: Multithreading
Lab: Multithreading of MIT 6.S081 Fall 2020
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| $ git fetch $ git checkout thread $ make clean
Uthread: switching between threads
首先在 notxv6/uthread.c
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| struct threadcontext { uint64 ra; uint64 sp; uint64 s0; uint64 s1; uint64 s2; uint64 s3; uint64 s4; uint64 s5; uint64 s6; uint64 s7; uint64 s8; uint64 s9; uint64 s10; uint64 s11; };
这个其实和 kernel/proc.h
里面的 struct context
接下来在 notxv6/uthread_switch.S
中实现上下文的切换,直接抄 kernel/swtch.S
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| .text
/* void thread_switch(struct threadcontext *old, struct threadcontext *new);
* save the old thread's registers, * restore the new thread's registers. */
.globl thread_switch thread_switch: sd ra, 0(a0) sd sp, 8(a0) sd s0, 16(a0) sd s1, 24(a0) sd s2, 32(a0) sd s3, 40(a0) sd s4, 48(a0) sd s5, 56(a0) sd s6, 64(a0) sd s7, 72(a0) sd s8, 80(a0) sd s9, 88(a0) sd s10, 96(a0) sd s11, 104(a0)
ld ra, 0(a1) ld sp, 8(a1) ld s0, 16(a1) ld s1, 24(a1) ld s2, 32(a1) ld s3, 40(a1) ld s4, 48(a1) ld s5, 56(a1) ld s6, 64(a1) ld s7, 72(a1) ld s8, 80(a1) ld s9, 88(a1) ld s10, 96(a1) ld s11, 104(a1)
ret /* return to ra */
在 struct thread
的定义里面加上一项 context:
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| struct thread { ... struct threadcontext context; };
新建线程的时候要设置一下相关的 context:
寄存器指向线程要运行的函数,switch 结束后会返回到 ra 处开始运行;
指向线程自己的栈。要注意:压栈是减小栈指针,所以一开始在最高处。(参考 CSAPP2e 3.4.2 fig 3-5)
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| void thread_create(void (*func)()) { struct thread *t;
for (t = all_thread; t < all_thread + MAX_THREAD; t++) { if (t->state == FREE) break; } t->state = RUNNABLE; t->context.ra = (uint64)func; t->context.sp = (uint64)&t->stack[STACK_SIZE-1]; }
最后一步,在 thread_schedule()
里调用刚才汇编写的 thread_switch
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| void thread_schedule(void) { struct thread *t, *next_thread;
if (current_thread != next_thread) { next_thread->state = RUNNING; t = current_thread; current_thread = next_thread;
thread_switch( (uint64)&t->context, (uint64)&next_thread->context ); } else next_thread = 0; }
Using threads
这题不是在 Xv6 里写,要在真实的 Unix 系统里面,学用 pthread 的互斥锁:
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| pthread_mutex_t lock; pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock);
具体的题目就是在 notxv6/ph.c
首先最基本的暴力实现,一把大锁, put()
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| pthread_mutex_t lock;
static void put(int key, int value) { pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); ... pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); ... }
注:这里获取锁(pthread_mutex_lock)可以移到找 key 的 for 循环后面,这样就可以快很多。但…
这个实现可以通过 make grade 的 ph_safe 测试,但过不了后面的 ph_fast 测试。
ph_fast 是要让多线程可以比单线程快。大锁的实现肯定是只会更慢,所以要把锁“改小”。这里咱谨遵 hint,每个桶一把锁:
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| pthread_mutex_t locks[NBUCKET];
static void put(int key, int value) { int i = key % NBUCKET;
struct entry *e = 0; for (e = table[i]; e != 0; e = e->next) { if (e->key == key) break; } pthread_mutex_lock(locks + i); if(e){ e->value = value; } else insert(key, value, &table[i], table[i]); } pthread_mutex_unlock(locks + i); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { for (int i = 0; i < NBUCKET; i++) { pthread_mutex_init(locks + i, NULL); }
... }
这个题也是在真实的 Unix 系统里写,不在 Xv6。这题是学习 pthread 的条件等待:
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| pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex); pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond);
题目让实现一个 Barrier
,“拦住”执行得快的线程,等所有线程都到了 Barrier 的这个点,再继续。
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| static void barrier() {
pthread_mutex_lock(&bstate.barrier_mutex); if (++bstate.nthread < nthread) { pthread_cond_wait(&bstate.barrier_cond, &bstate.barrier_mutex); } else { bstate.nthread = 0; bstate.round++; pthread_cond_broadcast(&bstate.barrier_cond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&bstate.barrier_mutex); }

2021.05.01 CDFMLR